Giving Wrestlers The Gift of Self-Motivation to Bring Their Best to the World

Giving Wrestlers The Gift of Self-Motivation to Bring Their Best to the World

Whether it’s a birthday gift, a Christmas gift, or a gift for being awesome, any gift you can give a wrestler is usually temporary. However, if a parent can give their wrestler the gift of self-motivation to bring their best to the world, they would be giving them something that will last a lifetime.

Most children are not born knowing how to motivate themselves. If they are lucky, they may figure this out by the time their 40. For everyone else, motivation is fleeting. It comes and goes, going more often than coming.

Often parents think all they have to do to invest in a young wrestlers talents is to send them to the best camps and get them the best private coaching. Of course, this helps. However, coaching doesn’t matter if a young wrestler doesn’t have the self-motivation to continue to invest in their talents on their own. There is only so much a coach can do. The biggest gains a wrestler will make will come from the training they do in their free time.

The Gift of Self-Motivation

The perfect gift to help a wrestler discover this innate drive is my wrestling motivation assessment. This assessment identifies the specific areas of self-motivation that a youth, middle and high school wrestler can structure their training and competition around so their lives contain more of what satisfies them and less of what doesn’t.

After a wrestler completes the assessments included, I will then evaluate 9 areas of an athlete’s mindset to provide a custom report on how to make best use of the natural tendencies that make them tick.

The results of this assessment will be analyzed individually, and a custom report with detailed analysis of the results will be emailed within 2 business days of completion of all questions.

Then, a follow-up one on one consultation will be scheduled to review the information provided and get all questions answered.

Starting January 6th, 2022, this report will cost $400.00. Until then you can get this assessment and consultation for only $249.00 Contact me here to get started.

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