Physical Toughness is Not Only Mental, But Also Requires Self-Motivation

Physical Toughness is Not Only Mental, But Also Requires Self-Motivation

Physical toughness requires strength, but strength is just the starting point. Physical toughness goes beyond just the physical part. A coach can push someone to be physically strong, but a coach can’t push someone to be physically tough.

Physical toughness is a measure of how your body can endure pain caused by fatigue and adverse conditions. Therefore, in order to become physically tough, you must be able to continue to avoid negative thoughts as you experience more and more fatigue and adversity. This means you must be mentally tough before you can be physically tough.

Those who are mentally weak are prone to not only negative thoughts in the face of fatigue and adversity, but also complain and are quick to give up. This is why physical toughness requires mental toughness. This is also why a coach can’t push someone to be physically tough.

Only you can control your thoughts and your mindset. As a result, in order to be physically tough you must first be self-motivated to train both your mind and body to be resilient.

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