Youth, Middle, and High School Wrestling Self-Motivation Assessment

Youth, Middle, and High School Wrestling Self-Motivation Assessment

One of the most important things you can do as a parent of a wrestler struggling with motivation is to help that wrestler learn what drives their self-motivation.

If a wrestler can use their innate self-motivation to turn training that feels like a grind into something they enjoy doing, it’s like magically creating fun out of pain. That is why self-motivation is so important. However, people are not born knowing how to motivate themselves.

Everyone needs a specific type of fuel to drive their motivation. This fuel comes from tapping into the natural tendencies that makes an individual tick. Whether these tendencies come from nature or nurture doesn’t matter.

What matters is that each individual has a motivation type that uniquely drives them. Furthermore, if an individual can tap into this, they can do better, be better, and achieve more.

This is why I created this assessment. My goal is to help parents help their wrestler identify the specific areas of self-motivation that will fuel their success and happiness in life and in wrestling.

By completing the assessments included, I will evaluate 9 areas of an athlete’s mindset to provide a custom report on how best to structure their practice, strength training, and conditioning to maximize the natural tendencies that make them tick.

Each report also comes with a follow-up one on one consultation. During this consultation I will review the information provided as well as provide you with the opportunity to get any outstanding questions answered.

For more information on how to get access to this program, contact me here.

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