The Question We Must All Ask Ourselves About What We Want Most

The Question We Must All Ask Ourselves About What We Want Most

Everything worth having requires a consistent investment of time and effort. The biggest mistake anyone can make in pursuing what they want is to believe they will be an overnight success. Success doesn’t happen overnight. If you don’t have the patience to work day in and day out doing the hard boring stuff without getting a reward, don’t waste your time.

Therefore, the question we must all ask ourselves about what we want most is one that assesses your values. The question is this:

If what you want is worth having today, is it still worth having 4 years from now?

If the answer is no, then it’s time to reevaluate the value of what you want. On the other hand if the answer is yes, then ask yourself if your willing to commit to a daily goal that will help you make progress towards getting what you want for 1,460 days in a row?

When you commit to a daily goal consecutively for 1,460 days (4 years), you guarantee that you will be closer to what you want than if you did nothing. As a matter of fact, it’s more likely than not that achieving a daily goal every day for 1,460 days in a row will help you get 100% of what you want most. This may sound daunting. However, if you plan to be alive 4 years from now then you might as well plan to have want you want most when that day comes.

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