Why Some People Get to Live Their Dreams and Others Only Dream

Why Some People Get to Live Their Dreams and Others Only Dream

By definition, a dream is something that looks and feels impossible in the moment you first have it. We dream about having, doing, and being those things that encompass our deepest desires. Most people have big dreams and little dreams, but regardless of the size of those dreams they always go beyond our day to day reality.

So why are some people able to change their day to day reality to achieve their dreams and some people are not?

Obviously, this is a loaded question with many simple and complex reasons that we could debate endlessly. However, the short answer comes down to one thing and one thing only. PROCESS.

Those who achieve their dreams don’t focus their days dreaming about their dreams. Instead, they focus their days learning, perfecting, and executing the processes that will enable the achievement of their dreams.

Most People’s Biggest and Wildest Dreams Are the Equivalent to Winning the Lottery And That’s Ok If….

Even the dream of winning the lottery comes down to process. Can you guess how many people dream about winning the lottery and never buy a lottery ticket? How many people dream about winning the lottery and don’t know the odds? How many people dream about winning the lottery and have never taken time to investigate how to improve those odds? Millions upon millions….

If you dream of winning the lottery and don’t do those three things then you don’t have a dream, you have a delusion. I’m not suggesting that you go out and spend your hard earned money on lottery tickets. However, if your biggest and wildest dreams are anything like the average person, they may have the equivalent odds. What’s more, if your dreams truly encompass your deepest desires, then do something about it. Even if that something is the equivalent of buying a lottery ticket.

So the moral of the story is don’t be delusional about you dreams. Even with the right process there are no guarantees of success. However, with the wrong process there is one and only one guarantee, failure. Therefore, if your dream is worth dreaming about, stop dreaming about it and instead learn, perfect, and execute a process that will enable the achievement of that dream.

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