The Big Advantage (and disadvantage) of High Pain Tolerance

The Big Advantage (and disadvantage) of High Pain Tolerance

Research shows that some people naturally tolerate more pain than others. For those who are not naturally gifted at tolerating pain, research also shows that it’s possible to increase pain tolerance using positive training pain techniques.

Either way, there are both big advantages and disadvantages to having the ability to tolerate high levels of pain.

The big advantage of having a high pain tolerance is the ability to persevere longer than others. People with high pain tolerance can grind longer each day towards their goals, push their bodies harder when training, and stay positive under negative conditions.

The disadvantage of having a high pain tolerance is having all of these advantages. Having the ability to push your mind and body to the limit has short term benefits and long term consequences.

If someone with a high pain tolerance has a unhealthy routine that constantly requires the use of their high tolerance for pain, he or she will burn out.

In short, having a high pain tolerance is a gift and a curse. Anyone who has this gift must use it wisely so it doesn’t become a curse.

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