What is Mental Toughness? 15 Statements that Define it Inside-Out

What is Mental Toughness? 15 Statements that Define it Inside-Out

  1. Mental toughness is the ability to have discipline and self-control when no one is looking.
  2. Mental toughness is the ability to think positive when facing adversity.
  3. Mental toughness is the ability to act courageously in the face of fear.
  4. Mental toughness is the ability to stay focused when the pressure is on.
  5. Mental toughness is the ability to keep believing in yourself when others don’t believe in you.
  6. Mental toughness is the ability to overcome challenges when you’re exhausted.
  7. Mental toughness is the ability to keep promises to yourself and others even when it’s inconvenient.
  8. Mental toughness is the ability to control your emotions in situations where others are trying to break you.
  9. Mental toughness is the ability to influence others to do the right thing when peer pressure is encouraging the wrong thing.
  10. Mental toughness is the ability to push yourself to the next level when no one believes you can get there.
  11. Mental toughness is the ability to not let distractions stop you from getting the job done.
  12. Mental toughness is the ability to bounce back from detrimental mistakes and still win.
  13. Mental toughness is the ability to handle criticism and scrutiny without losing confidence.
  14. Mental toughness is the ability to work towards your goals each day no matter how you feel.
  15. Mental toughness is the ability to hold yourself accountable to high standards even when others around you are not.

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