The Complex Cocktail of Youth Sports, Bandages, and Ibuprofen

The Complex Cocktail of Youth Sports, Bandages, and Ibuprofen

Youth sports is fun. Well, at least it should be. It starts not being so fun when you have to give your kid an ibuprofen before every practice.

Your kid might not be that kid, but all sports parents know a kid who needs some type of pain reliever on a regular basis. Or even a kid who ends up in some type of bandage or brace after almost every competition.

There’s always a kid who seems to miss over half the practices due to an ailment that’s not quite an injury. It’s usually something like a sore this or that, a migraine, or stomach ache. What’s the deal with this?

The Reality of the Often Injured Youth Athlete

There is a sad truth for youth athletes who always find their way to the infirmary for seemingly minor issues. These athletes have either lost interest in the sport or were never interested to start.

They are either afraid to disappoint their parents by telling them this hard truth or avoiding what life looks like without sports. Either way, the reality is they are just buying time until they find the right moment to quit.

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