It Takes a Patient and Sane Wife to Tame a Crazy Sports Dad

It Takes a Patient and Sane Wife to Tame a Crazy Sports Dad

Some of my best and worst moments have come in and around youth sports. I try to write about many of those moments so others can learn from my successes and failures as a youth sports dad. More often than not, the unsung hero in those stories is my wife.

I believe I can speak for many sports dads when I say the journey of raising sports kids would not be so sweet without a sports mom by your side. Unquestionably, I can’t count the number of times my wife was there to reel me in from doing or saying something stupid. I also can’t count the number of times my wife swooped in with here grace to turn a bad sports day into a great family day.

Sports moms like my wife routinely sacrifice their vacation days to sit in a sweaty gym or out on a hot field all day to watch their kids do what they love. They wake up early to prepare the family for long days traveling to tournaments and stay up late wiping tears and comforting disappointments. What’s more, they tame crazy sports dads like me and help us become better fathers and coaches to our kids.

It takes more than one day a year to thank all the sports moms improving youth sports each day. Nevertheless, today I want to take a moment to thank my wife, my mom, and all the other sports moms who graciously make sacrifices each day for their kids to play sports.

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