The New Year Exposes Two Types of People

The New Year Exposes Two Types of People

Each year, the turn of the calendar from one year to the next exposes two types of people.

1. The Optimist

The first type is the optimist. The optimist is all in on New Year’s resolutions. They could care less if two months from now they will forget them, that’s not the point. The point is an optimist uses any and every excuse to be positive and start fresh.

The optimist is excited about:

  • the start of the work week and the start of the weekend
  • spring cleaning and raking the leaves in the fall
  • starting a new job and quitting an old one
  • going on vacation and getting back on the grind

The occasion really doesn’t matter. The optimist is ready and willing to put lipstick on a pig if that’s what they have to do keep things positive.

2. The Hater

The second type of person the new year exposes is the hater. The hater is ready to trash any and every person who creates New Year’s Resolutions. In other words, the hater hates the optimist.

At the start of the new year, the haters are burning up inside with bitterness. They just can’t wait to rain on someone’s parade with criticism as soon as any talk of New Year’s resolutions come up.

What’s more the haters have a special place in their heart to hate on things such as:

  • new diets and all talk about losing weight and eating healthy
  • new Facebook pages and blogs people are creating for their business ideas
  • paying off debt and especially those daily or weekly saving challenges

Who Would You Rather Be?

While it may be true that you don’t fit neatly into either of these two types, the question is who would you rather be?

As it turns out, there is a significant benefit to being an optimist. According to a series of studies from across the U.S. and Europe, there are at least 5 big benefits.

  1. Optimist have lower blood pressure, which leads to lower case of cardiovascular disease (i.e. less heart attacks)
  2. In times of need, optimist have more social support.
  3. Optimist get less viral infections (i.e. optimism boost immune system)
  4. Optimist have a 42% to 45%  lower risk of death as they age
  5. When it comes to overcoming adversity, optimist are significantly more successful and have better long term outcomes.

So the next time someone tells you that New Year’s resolutions are stupid, share with them the link to this blog post and warn them not to be haters their entire life.

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