The What Matters Matrix: 30 Minutes to Make the Shift

The What Matters Matrix: 30 Minutes to Make the Shift

The what matters matrix is pretty simple.  It’s a riff on Stephen Covey’s famous time management matrix in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

I was reminded of it reading an excellent, in depth article titled This morning routine will make you a millionaire.  I believe developing a matrix like this on a routine basis is the foundation for productivity.

When I first read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People over a dozen years ago, I totally blew this matrix off.  In fact, I continued to blow this matrix off many times since then.  I must admit that this was a mistake.  To my chagrin, time and time again I find myself in quadrant 3 and 4.

In addition, I spend far to little of my time in quadrant 2, which is where the magic happens.  The reality is quite simple.  If I want success in the pursuit of my long term goals, I must shift time from quadrant 3 and 4, to quadrant 2.

Taking 30 Minutes a Day to Shift to The What Matters Matrix

In the article referenced above, the author Benjamin Hardy made several in depth suggestions.  Accordingly, below are my takeaways to sum up how to make the mental shift to using the what matters matrix.

Take 15 minutes every night before bed to write down:

  1. How the day went
  2. What I learned that day
  3. An evaluation of what I could do better
  4. Ideas related to my goals
  5. A plan for tomorrow using the matrix as my guide

Take 15 minutes every morning when I wake to:

  1. Give thanks and pray
  2. Meditate on the person I am becoming and why
  3. Visualize the coming day as it executes perfectly

In conclusion, I leave you with this quote from Hardy:

Productivity is not about doing a lot of things, but rather, about making tangible progress. Progress is made by making the right moves at the right times.

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