Month: December 2013

What A Bad Day Really Is

We all have bad days. The day usually starts just like any other day. At some point, however, you realize it’s going to be one of those days.

One of those days where nothing gets accomplished on your to do list. One of those days when you overeat and ruin your diet. One of those days when you run into the client from hell. One of those days…

My thought is that a bad day is really not a bad “day” in the sense of the word. It’s more like a bad breakfast, a bad commute, a bad meeting, a bad morning. From there, we then let this turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. The moment we claim that we are having a bad day is when the prophecy takes control of us. We give our power away. We lose control of our feeling.

Then, we start attracting bad stuff into our world.

The next time you get ready to fix your mouth to say you are having a bad day, STOP. Stop yourself from giving away control of your feelings to others. Take a deep breath, then let it go.

What Entrepreneurs Should Do When They Feel Like Quitting

A few days ago I made the proclamation that real entrepreneurs don’t quit. So what do you do as an entrepreneur when you feel like quitting?

The first question you should ask yourself is — can you get a job working for someone else and still be happy?

If the answer is yes, then you should do that. You should quit. Entrepreneurship is a relatively painful lifestyle until you get to the promise land of finding a repeatable and scalable business model in a profitable niche you enjoy. So if you can be happy working for someone else, why put yourself through that pain?

Entrepreneurship is truly reserved for the unemployable. If you aren’t unemployable and you feel like quitting, then that is your best option.

On the other hand, if you are truly unemployable and you truly feel like quitting, then it’s time for you to get external help. Your best option is to get a third party to force you to stare down reality and make the tough choices you’re avoiding.

It should never be your spouse, parent, or friend. Instead, this person should either be a trusted advisor or a paid business coach who has nothing invested in your success or failure.

How Seth Godin Writes His Daily Blog

One of the most prolific daily bloggers in the world is Seth Godin. Seth’s philosophy on writing a daily blog is what inspired me to start writing this daily blog 41 days ago on October 31st.

So if you want to learn how to write a daily blog, then learning from the master is the best place to start.

The way Seth Godin writes his daily blog is by setting aside time everyday to write. Not time to write one blog post a day, but time to write one time a day. That means when Seth Godin commences his daily ritual of writing, he could write 1 blog post or 50.

Instead of publishing what he has written for that day, he puts every blog post in a queue for publishing at some future time. Then he goes through all of his queued post and sometimes removes the ones he doesn’t like and replaces them with something he does.

To make it easier for him to write, he always writes using a conversation style instead of using a formal writing style. Since he writes like he talks, it’s second nature for him to write about things he notices.

As a result of writing about things he notices, Seth Godin doesn’t have to do a lot of research or spend any time looking at competitors. This approach saves a massive amount of time.

However, this approach means that Seth Godin is not necessarily writing “for” his audience and therefore many of his blog post are hit or miss. When he finds a hit, he writes more on that topic. He may even turn a hit blog post into a book. When he finds that a topic is a miss, he takes a mental note and moves on.

That’s it. That’s how Seth Godin writes his daily blog. What do you think?