Month: November 2013

3 Reasons Why Blogging Daily is Easier Than You Think

Writing and publishing a daily blog is an excellent mental exercise in commitment.  As I previously explained, publishing a daily blog is like building a muscle. So, while you would think that blogging once a week or once a month is easier than blogging daily, nothing could be further from the truth.

Blogging every day is actually easier and hurts less.  It’s just like when you work out your muscles regularly versus the pain you face when you work out only occasionally.

Below are the three main reasons why this is the case.

1. Less Pressure

When you blog once a week or once a month, the expectation when you sit down and write is that you must publish something noteworthy.  Something insightful. Something amazing. Something that reads like it took you a week or month to put together since it’s been that long since your last post.  Putting pressure on yourself like this is self-defeating.

I can say from experience that there’s much less pressure on you when you sit down and write when you’re on a daily blogging routine.

You can write shorter post and discuss more nuanced topics.  You can even venture off your normal topic when you’re in a rut since you always have the next day and the day after to bring things full circle with your audience.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

Writing something noteworthy and insightful takes tons of practice.  So, if you are only writing once a month, you only get 12 chances to practice. If you up it to once a week, you get 52 chances.

However, if you go all out with the daily blog you get 365 chances every year.

With 365 chances to practice your blog writing techniques, you have a much greater chance to write a few amazing home run blog post each year than the person who only has 12 or 52 chances. As they say, practice makes perfect.

All things being equal, the person who writes every day is going to become a better writer and find success faster that the person who is only writing weekly or monthly.

3. Streaks Breed Commitment

When I was blogging once a week or once a month, it was so easy for me to miss a week or month, then allow that to turn into several misses. I am a firm believer in the power of blogging, so I know I can’t continue with a sporadic routine and still achieve my goals.

This post is now my 10th into my second attempt at a daily blogging routine. The first time I tried a daily blog, I got up to 45 days before I fell off the wagon.  This time around, the last thing I want to do is start back at zero.

My first goal is to break my 45-day record.  Next, I want to go after a streak of 365 days. Then, the bigger my streak gets the more committed I’ll get.

This type of strong commitment is what ultimately leads to success.

Finding out when you’re most productive

Millions of people around the world are underachieving because they don’t know when they’re most productive.  Are you one of these people? Chances are, you don’t know because you’ve never done a test to find out.

A few days ago I suggested a few ideas to boost personal productivity.  One of those ideas was to find out what time of day you concentrate best, and schedule your day to optimize that time.

My thinking here is that if you are a morning person, but don’t start working on the tasks that require the most concentration until the afternoon, then you will underachieve.  However, if you don’t even know you’re a morning person then you’ve got much bigger problems.

Most people go through life ignoring the fact that their body naturally has a productivity high. It may be based on sunlight or darkness, it may be based on the hours of sleep you get, or the time that’s passed since you woke up. It could even be after an afternoon nap or after sex.

They key is that you will never know unless you test out different variations to discover your productivity high.  This may sound like a difficult tasks, but your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it. On top of that, if you have extraordinary goals for your life, your success depends on you knowing this information about yourself.

There is an ancient Kemetic/Egyptian proverb scribbled thousands of years ago by a wise man above the entrance of a temple that states Man Know Thyself.  

I would argue that finding out when you’re most productive is a key aspect of heeding these wise words.

Testing Your Entrepreneurial Chops

Chances are you’ve thought about quitting your job and becoming a full-time entrepreneur.  If you’ve had this thought and not taken action yet, then here’s an idea.

My suggestion is that you test your entrepreneurial chops by finding a product to sell online. As part of this test, it shouldn’t be a product that you create. Instead, you should sell someone else’s product, a product that allows you to make a commission or affiliate fee for selling it.  The main reason you should do it this way is so that the time and effort to get up and running is minimal.

My suggestion is to find a high priced item on in a category that makes sense for your personal brand and network.  Based on my experience, you could spend about $100 on Facebook ads targeting a niche demographic to drive about 200 clicks to your landing page.

If you get a well designed landing page and a Facebook ad created by someone on, 200 clicks could generate around 2 sales (conversions). However, if you are a rockstar entrepreneur it’s possible to get 8 to 10  sales.

Based on this data, try these 2 steps:

1. Short list 3 or 4 items to sell that generate the most commission/affiliate revenue.

2. Do the math on the affiliate fee to calculate the amount you will receive per sale and pick the item that makes the most sense based on the Facebook ad budget you want to start with.

Once you pick your item to sell, kick-off your Facebook campaign to drive traffic to your landing page and let the games begin.

Evaluate how comfortable you are with this process, doing the conversion math, designing landing pages, working with contractors on Fiverr, and buying ads on Facebook.  If you enjoy the process while at least breaking even (or hopefully making a profit), you’ve passed the entrepreneur 101 test.