Don’t Defer Your Goals to the New Year

Don’t Defer Your Goals to the New Year

Please don’t defer your goals to the New Year. If you do, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice. There’s no better time than now. As I shared last week in my post about the Jellybean Life, we only have so many total days to spend on this earth.

Therefore, you must choose how you spend your time wisely.  I’m sure we all can agree that not taking action while waiting for some arbitrary day is not a good way to spend it.

Over the last 3 days, I kept hearing people say stuff like:

  • I am going to start my job search in the New Year
  • I am going to lose this Thanksgiving weight in the New Year
  • I am going to pay off this credit card debt in the New Year
  • I am going to start my blog in the New Year

We have a little more than 31 days left in 2013. Our most valuable resource is time.  Why waste 747 hours and 55 minutes (it’s 8:05 pm as I write this) waiting for the New Year?

Every second, every minute, every hour, and every day of your life counts.

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