Who Do You Want to Be? An Exercise of Self-Accountability

Today is an appropriate day to ask yourself, “Who do you want to be and why?” It’s a fundamental question that often gets buried in the hustle of daily life. But just as a child takes the time to think about who they want to be on Halloween, taking the time to reflect on who […]

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4x NCAA Wrestling Champion Explains Why Doing the Right Thing is Not Enough

Recently crowned 4x NCAA wrestling champion Yianni Diakomihalis is a big believer in working hard and doing the right things. However, he doesn’t believe that hard work and doing the right thing is enough to be the best. He states: “If it was just about doing everything right, there would be no losers… In an […]

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The Difference Between Self-Acceptance and Complacency and Why it Matters

As a mental skills coach, I often find myself discussing the concepts of self-acceptance and complacency with athletes. These two ideas can sometimes appear to be at odds, but in reality, they are distinct and carry significant implications for an athlete’s journey. In this article, I will dive deep into the concepts of self-acceptance and […]

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