Define the Number That Will Change Your Life (It’s Not X Million)

Define the Number That Will Change Your Life (It’s Not X Million)

The number that most people think will change their life is X million. X million dollars in the bank, X million visitors to their website, X million downloads, X million album sales, X million books sold, and on and on and on.

The reality is that whatever your X million is, it’s not a life changing number. It’s too easy to put on a pedestal. It’s too easy to dream about without taking action. It’s an event, not a habit.

The number that will change your life will create a daily habit.

For example, right now my number is simply “1”, as in 1 new insightful or inspirational blog post every day.

In my world, when I achieve my “1” every day, everything else will fall into place.

  • If your goal is to write a book, then your number may be “10” as in, write 10 pages every day.
  • If you goal is to grow your business, then your number may be “20”, as in 20 sales calls every day.
  • If you goal is to lose weight, then your number may be “30”, as in a 30 minute workout everyday.

Whatever your number is, own that number. Embrace that number.  Then use that number to build a daily habit that will change your life.

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